The Robinson Film Center hosted a screening of the “Barbie” movies and a Q&A session after the film with local panelists.

The Robinson Film Center hosted a screening of the “Barbie” movies and a Q&A session after the film with local panelists.

by Ariel Roberson, ShrevePossible

The “Barbie” movie took the country by a pink storm. In Shreveport, the eye of the storm was the Robinson Film Center.

The film is a beautiful and very pink cinematic experience. Director Greta Gerwig assembled a wonderful cast, crew, and story. Margot Robbie impressed with her ability to share the spotlight and still shine alongside her Barbie presidents, doctors and council women.

The cast included a trans woman, Hari Nef, as doctor Barbie. Issa Rae, as Barbie president, stole the show, and América Ferrera portrayed the character of human, delivering a powerful monologue on womanhood in a patriarchal society.

Juanita Pryor, Lisa Cooper Marshall, Nell Sheehee and AJ Dunn were the panelists for a “Barbie” Q&A session at Robinson Film Center.

Juanita Pryor, Lisa Cooper Marshall, Nell Sheehee and AJ Dunn were the panelists for a “Barbie” Q&A session at Robinson Film Center.

RFC put its inimitable twist on the event of the summer, with a giant, pink Barbie box photo op and social media promotions starring Executive Director Wendell Riley as Ken. The highlight of the film’s run at RFC was a panel discussion that offered great insight in real Barbie fashion. Juanita Pryor, a high school senior; AJ Dunn, executive director of the YWCA; Lisa Cooper Marshall, a women’s issues speaker and writer; and Nell Shehee, founder of Nell Shehee Foundation, were the panelists. Rachael Hansil, education director at RFC, moderated the discussion.

Sci-Port soon will bring “Barbie” to its Goodman IMAX Dome.