Kemp forum: LSU Shreveport’s growth is breaking records

LSUS Chancellor Dr. Robert Smith addresses local and regional legislators as well as LSUS faculty and staff Tuesday at the annual Kemp Forum, which serves as an update to the community. Smith said LSUS is projected to top 11,000 enrollment once spring semester numbers are finalized in March. Image provided by LSU Shreveport.

SHREVEPORT, La. (KTAL/KMSS)—The annual Kemp Forum was held at LSU Shreveport’s theater on Tuesday, and the university’s chancellor, Dr. Robert Smith, said enrollment numbers have gone up substantially in every category.

For the first time in LSU Shreveport’s history, enrollment topped 10,000 in the spring semester of 2024. By autumn, enrollment had risen to above 10,800. Now, it appears the university will have more than 11,000 students enrolled for the spring 2025 semester, though the figures cannot be official until the second spring session begins.

Smith said he projects a 5% overall growth in enrollment.

“Every sector of our enrollment is projected to grow – four percent in undergraduate, seven percent in graduate, six percent in face-to-face students, and a nine percent growth in the number of credit hours,” said Smith. “And we’re also blowing by our recruiting goals for applications for Fall 2025.”